Hawthorn Berry
- Cardiac Tonic & Heart Medicine -
Hawthorn supports healthy circulation and cardiovascular functioning. Medical herbal research has validated this use, finding hawthorn to be effective for increasing the strength of heart contractions, increasing blood flow to the heart, decreasing blood lipids, and modulating blood pressure. A Cochrane review of trials on hawthorn for chronic or congestive heart failure found that Crataegus extract decreased fatigue and shortness of breath and improved exercise tolerance relative to placebo. Many consider hawthorn to be transformational for the emotional or spiritual heart as well. Hawthorn is considered slightly warm energetically and both sour and sweet in taste.
Suggested Use: Brew as a tea by adding 1 Tablespoon in a cup of boiling water. Steep for 5-10 mins. Enjoy! *Increase dosage if needed.