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Calming Sedative

Catnip is a member of the mint family, and yes it is the same plant that will make your kitty go crazy! In humans, catnip has a cooling and relaxing affect and can be used to help lower fevers, it is safe for children too! Also commonly use for restlessness, nervous irritation, and nervous headaches.

Do not use of pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Can be used during breast-feeding, especially if a child has colic or a fever.

Suggested Use: Add to your favorite smoking blend or enjoy alone. Enjoy as a tea add 1 Tablespoon in a cup of boiling water. Steep for 5-10 minutes.

Other preparations: make a cat nip tincture!
Using any size jar, fill the jar 3/4 full of catnip, fill the rest of the jar with vodka. Let's sit for 6 weeks. Strain and bottle!

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